Spicy sausage and tender chicken make a tasty pair in this creamy soup. Packed with tons of flavor and so simple to make! Searing is the trick for tender chicken. Be sure to sprinkle parmesan on top before...
This easy recipe makes a large pot of soup that will feed a small crowd or leaves leftovers for those nights you just don't feel like cooking. The leftovers freeze well in meal-size containers or plastic...
This is a recipe I have perfected on my own through the years. I am one who never measures, so take the measurements as a guide, not as law. This recipe is one that my family members beg me to make all...
All barley is high in fiber, but hulled barley is the most nutrient-dense. If you make this soup with pearl barley, use 2 cups water in step 4 and cook, covered, for 10 minutes in step 5.
A Jerusalem artichoke is a white-fleshed root related to the sunflower. It is not related to the thistle-like globe artichoke, even though they share a common name and taste rather similar. This soup is...
This soup is a perfect recipe for Thanksgiving leftovers. My husband and I love dumplings, and this mild-tasting, homey dish has flavorful dumplings floating on a tasty turkey and vegetable stew. It really...
This is the soup that Moroccans traditionally use to break the fast every night of Ramadan. Season with salt, pepper, mint leaves and cinnamon to taste.
Num-Yummy!! This soup is delicious and uses turkey instead of ham which really cuts the fat and calories. We always keep a container in the freezer for those go-to meals on the quick.
Easy, authentic Mexican Pozole. You will be glad you took the time. You can make ahead of time and freeze the pork to keep until you're ready to make dinner. Serve with chopped white onion, cilantro, shredded...
An authentic Mexican recipe for shredded chicken soup with chickpeas, carrots, and chipotle chiles. It is served traditionally with cheese, avocado, and lemon juice.
This creamy mushroom soup uses cream cheese to beautifully thicken this delicious soup. The low-carb, high fat proportions are perfect for a ketogenic lifestyle.
Filipino soup cooked with pork. Serve with rice and for additional sauce, use soy or fish sauce. If you want to, you can add what Filipinos call gabi gabi, which is a small taro root. When peeled they...
This is my kinda 'comfort food' with a slight Mediterranean flair. It freezes well and is one of those dishes that tastes just as good, if not better, the next day! We have this with fresh French bread,...
A tasty alternative to regular chicken noodle soup. You can add other veggies to this also, for example some chopped spinach. The chicken-apple sausage give it a unique flavor. Yummy and makes a great,...
This soup is a mixture of my mother's recipe and my own adjustments. It is perfect for a cold day and is usually even better the next day. Simply put it back on the stove, add a little water if needed,...
Fasolatha is the national Greek dish. It has nourished generations. Olive oil is one of the vital ingredients of this delicious dish so do not economize with it.
My mother gave me this recipe for potato soup and it is extremely easy and tastes great. Substitute butter for the oil if desired. Regular bacon can be substituted for turkey bacon if desired.
Very good and very easy to make Asian soup. My husband is a chef, and he said that this was fantastic! (He's hard to impress.) We finished the pot in one sitting.
I love this recipe because it uses fresh, sweet red bell peppers, as opposed to roasted red peppers. It's full of other fresh vegetables and thyme, too, and it freezes exceptionally well. Rice is used...
Known in Tuscany and all over Italy as Pappa al pomodoro, this thick soup is made with tomatoes, Parmesan, and day-old bread. You can use this soup as base for a more gourmet dish, adding grilled fish...
I was in the mood for soup on a cold night and using a basic ham and bean soup, I created one that is ready in less than an hour, with items found in the pantry/fridge. Easy and delicious!